An Evening with...
Each year, the Burton & Rossett Horticultural Society hosts a special event. Titled "An Evening with...", we have been very fortunate to attract some big names from the world of gardening TV and radio, as you can see below.
Chris Beardshaw
The Society was pleased to welcome back Chris Beardshaw. Chris was the speaker at our first “An Evening with…” event in 2015, and remains one of our most popular guests. This time, he gave his popular talk, “Painting with Plants”.
Joe Swift
Anne Swithinbank
Bob Flowerdew
With his talk "No Work Gardening", Bob Flowerdew enthralling his audience by talking with no visual aids for over 90 minutes. Read more
Christine Walkden
In her talk, "The Life and Times of a Gardener", Christine Walkden guided her audience through her life in Horticulture. Read more
Chris Beardshaw
Chris Beardshaw’s talk was split into two very distinct subjects: "The Furzey Garden" and "100 Plants that Almost Changed the World". Read more