April Talk
/George Pilkington, nurturing nature
On Wednesday 20th April 2016, nearly 40 members were delighted to welcome back George Pilkington from Nurturing Nature, who, following last year's great talk on Bumble Bees, educated and entertained us this time on the subject of compost.
George, an Environmental Educationalist, Researcher and Inventor, once again enthralled his audience by explaining not only how to make excellent compost (and not the soggy mess some of us have produced in the past) but how to turn garden waste into good quality compost in only one month!
In his simple, straightforward style, George detailed the key do's and don'ts of compost making, and then went on to explain the benefits and uses of good quality compost.
A subject which, from the title, may have sounded dull and uninteresting, was brought to life, was informative and interesting, and held the audience's attention throughout the talk and the numerous questions from the audience.
Many went home thinking "now I know where I have been going wrong"!
Thanking George on behalf of the members, John Whiteley said "last year your talk on Bumble Bees was a subject of conversation for weeks - this year you have again exceeded our expectations".