Bluebell Cottage Garden and Nursery
/On Saturday 18th May, 28 members and friends set off from Rossett to visit Bluebell Cottage Garden and Nursery in Dutton Cheshire. Tucked away down a quiet and narrow lane, Bluebell Cottage Gardens and Nursery is one of Cheshire's best kept secrets with wildflower meadows and bluebell wood. The nursery concentrates on hardy perennials, if they do not grow well at Bluebell Cottage, they do not sell them.

On arrival we were greeted by Sue Beesley who gave us an introductory talk then tour of the gardens. Sue and her husband have owned the gardens and nursery for 12 years, buying it the year after she won the BBC Gardener of the year 2006.
The gardens wraps around the Bluebell Cottage with winding paths enticing the visitor to explore its many different sections. From the nursery you enter the garden through the orchard, undersown with a pretty wildflower meadow.
Top of the garden perennial planting draws the eye across the wide borders. The gravel garden is packed with bright drought resistant plants enjoying the sun.
The large pond, nestling in the centre of the garden is a haven for frogs, newts and damselflies.
Through a little arch the exotic garden beckons and Sue showed us the wonderful Meconopsis X Sheldonii, a wonderful striking blue.
After the tour of the garden we all sampled the lovely cakes and tea in the Garden Tea room. (The Lemon Drizzle and Chocolate Orange cakes were gorgeous.)
Time to wander down to the bluebell woods, which must have been a haze of blue 2 weeks before. Last stop before leaving was the nursery, and with the amount of plants to choose from we were in seventh heaven.
Time to say farewell and for our driver Les to negotiate the canal bridge and narrow lanes once more with the added weight of all the plants we had bought!
Thank you again to Sue and her team for a wonderful afternoon visit.